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Motivational Minute! Stay Patient and trust YOUR process

If you've ever been uncomfortable, and have ever been in unfamiliar places, just hold on to the notion to trust your journey. What you will accomplish in the end will be well worth the experiences that once had you doubting purpose.

In Romans chapter 12 Paul the author shares through a letter the importance of being a living sacrifice unto God. Paul begins to define the characteristics one of a Christian nature should carry. Here are the key factors I drew from the 11th verse:

1. Do not lag in diligence

2. Fervent in Spirit

3. Rejoice in Hope

4. Patient in Tribulation

Being patient during tribulation is never easy especially if you don't trust in God's plan for your life. If you were given specific details surrounding painful encounters on your journey would you avoid? In most instances yes! But boy do these moments build endurance

James 1:3 states, "For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow." Your journey is a opportunity for growth! It allows you to trust God's plan for your life. So be patient and trust that what God has for you is to build you up through the testing of your faith. Be patient, and trust YOUR journey. It's all individualized not one the same. The possibilities are endless for what God can bring you to. Until next time!! Love you all!!!

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