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As we dance into a new year, I'm hoping that my single ladies are dancing into a new perspective about their love lives. But see there is certainly a need for a proper prospective on all things sex! There are so many outlooks about sex that finds themselves intertwined in our thoughts, and actions. Those prospectives have a lot to do with what we've experienced, and dealt with in our lives. It's important that we get a Godly sense on everything that we've experienced in our lives. As we carefully sift through those things that haunt us from our past love lives, we may find fragments of our hearts in every which way. Some left with him, so left with him, and some left with him!

It's Gods desire for us to be whole, complete, and lacking nothing! That is exactly how he created us! Misfortune is real! Yes very real, but we can protect ourselves and our hearts from the wrong men who enter the picture. God never intended for our minds and souls to be divided on sexual matters. God gave us specific instructions to flee fornication! Not just because he said so, but to protect a heart, and mind, of his child that he knew would not fully understand the magnitude of "sex."

Sex can complicate a situation, and leave you frazzled. What God has for you, you will be at peace with. As you enter into this new year, get the prospective God has about you. Believe that he wants the best, and created and intends for you to receive it. Don't mess that up taking short cuts. Sex can wait!

"Sex can wait"

Relationships can be completely sex driven. Have you ever thought what might happen if you just simply said, "No more!" If the man in your life wants what God wants for you, he will completely understand your efforts to put sex in it's place. That place is inside the marriage bed! I've been there, and I know the struggle. You can have ever boundary set in place, for it to be tested, and tested, and tested. But it's in you to win!! The notion to, "Save yourself until marriage," is not an old fashioned saying. It's a lifestyle that God has called you to. Ever wonder why your dating life hasn't gone the way you think it should. Maybe it's because your prospective is far from where God is calling it!

Single life is a time in your life designed for you to become closer, and closer to God. It should be a time of preparation! A time for God to build you up, and pump new life into you. It reminds me of the story in the bible of the Woman at the well, and how she came broken, and God offered her living water! Gosh I could just preach this but I'm going to sum this thing up. God comes in broken situations to reveal that he has everything that you need to fill in broken spaces! No relationship, man , etc. will ever be able to fix or mend broken spaces in your life. God has come to give you that in abundance especially in single hood where you can focus in on him, and him alone.

This process is intended to build you up to be the a wife, and a good one. We all are born with great attributes of being a good wife, but it takes the right man to bring it out. That man was created specifically to be the ying to your yang. To accomplish a major life changing role in the world as one unit. Marriage is an assigment to put forth in the world what God put inside of you and your husband as a unit. This is why this thing is so serious!!! Get a Godly perspective on sex! Close up shop and get caught up in all things God!! Until next time married women "The sex talk" is for you!...................

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